The Patriots of Fort Lewis Chapter Members
The members of the Fort Lewis Chapter NSDAR are proud to honor our ancestors who fought and assisted in our nation's independence by continuing their work through civil, patriotic, and/or military service.
We proudly invite you to meet our patriot ancestors listed below. Click on the patriot names underlined for more information about that patriot.
Asa Hillyer PVT
Samuel Hawley PVT
John Keen PVT
Charles Lovelace PVT
Edward Parish PVT
North Carolina
David Benge PVT
Joseph Graham MAJ
Lancelot Johnston STAFFOF
Matthew Stewart CAPT
James Walker SOL
New Jersey
New York
Nathaniel Cary ENS PS
Jesse Hall PVT
James Black PS
Christian Diehl PS
Bernhardt Follweiler SOL PS
Conrad Kershner, Sr. PS
Michael Keyser PS
Frederick Leasure PS
Abraham Saunders SGT
Christoper Slusher PVT
Jacob Wannamaker PVT
Peter Weida CPL PS
South Carolina
John Anthony PS
Thomas Bandy PVT
Charles Barham PS
James Barham Sr PS
Peter Brickey PVT
Nicholas Carper SOL CS PS
John Carter PS
Manoah Corley PS
John Corvin PVT
Henry Cowing PVT
Dudley Diggs PS
John Green COL
Jonathan Grooms PVT
William A Halbert LT
Pleasant Haley PVT
Joel Harris SOL
Abraham Hinkle PS
John Casper Hounshell PS
John Jones Sr COL CS PS
John Kennedy PVT
Nicholas Kline ENS
Virginia (cont.)
Robert Lawson BGEN PS
Zachariah Lee SGT
Augustine Leftwich, Jr. CAPT
John Nicholas Link PS
James Logan PVT PS
William Middleton PVT
John Mitchell NONCOM
William Morris Sr PS
John Mullins PVT PS
Luke Munsy PVT PS
John M Otey CAPT
David Pagan PVT
Gabriel Penn COL PS
William Phelps PS
William Pittman LT
Barret Price PS
William Robe PS
Daniel Spangler, Jr. PS
Nimrod Taylor PVT
James Trenor SGT PS
John Tutwiler SOL
Benjamin Waddell SOL
BGEN – Brigadier General
CAPT — Captain
COL — Colonel
CPL — Corporal
CMSRY — Commissary
CS —- Civil Service
ENS — Ensign
LTCOL – Lieutenant Colonel
LT – Lieutenant
MAJ – Major
NONCOM – Non-Commissioned Officer
PS — Patriotic Service
PVT — Private
SGT - Sergeant
SOL — Soldier
STAFFOF -- Staff Officer
Do you have a patriot ancestor
or want to find one?
Start your research or confirm your findings by looking in DAR's Genealogical Record System (GRS).
last updated September 2023